While browsing Instagram today, I saw a bunch of stuff that just grinds my gears! Why not speak on them.
This list is in no particular order.
* People Who Don't Mind Their Business...
Now, I'm all for stalking an instagram page or 2, or 3 and I'll even participate in a little harmless gossip with the besties, but I don't get why some people care so much about the next person and what they are doing in their lives. What pisses me off the most is when I see it on social networks. Why do you care if that woman's apartment is dirty? Why do you care that that man is dating 2 women? Why do you care that someone shops all the time? Why in the hell do you care if the next man is broke? Mind yo business!! And if you're just plain ol nosey, do it in privacy. Don't broadcast how nosey and concerned you are about the next persons life.
* Mean People...
Be nice. Putting people down because you have more than them says so much more about you and your ugly insecurities. Making fun of someone because they don't fit your ideal of what perfect is is just plain ol disgusting. Watching a pregnant woman or elderly person shift back and forth in discomfort on public transportation while you sit comfortably is just horrible. A mean person is truly just battling with their unhappiness and lashes out on those around them because they are miserable. Take some time to figure out where your anger and unhappiness is coming from. Once you find happiness you will spread happiness. Be nice!
* Borrowing/Begging...
I'm not sure if it's my pride or how nasty people can be when you owe them but I'm not asking anyone for shit. As an adult it's embarrassing. No grown up should be begging and borrowing before they try to do for themselves. It grinds my gears to see a grown man or woman asking for "a couple dollars". Go be productive and get your own. If you've exhausted all of your options and must ask for help then so be it but please, stop looking for hand outs and get your shit together.
*Fake Friends...
Just stop. Smiling in his or her face one day and talking shit about them the next is for the juveniles. Carrying on fake friendships are major burdens. Always having to pretend like you really like them and are interested in what they have to say can become a full time job. It's ok to grow apart from our friends. Some people just end up going in different directions. Some mature faster than their friends. We are old enough and mature enough to take someone to the side and say "hey, it's just not working out any more". You can still be cordial and friendly but please stop calling people you don't really like your bestie/bff. Just stop.
*Down Low Men...
In this case, a "down low man" would be a man who is publicly claiming to be straight/heterosexual but he is really bisexual and sleeping with men secretly *side eye* ... Lord, this issue makes me dizzy and nauseous. Don't do that shit, nasty!!! These days, being gay or bisexual is accepted by most, including myself. Some of my very best friends are gay. So stop creeping around lying to women and putting them in danger just because you want your cake and eat it too (Smh, at those visuals). Just be honest. There are a lot of freaky girls that love that bisexual stuff. Find someone who accepts you for you and have fun instead of lying and hiding. Be honest!
* Girly/Feminine Men...
This is MY list of MY pet peeves (not yours) and I do not like feminine men!! I was born Muslim and raised in Brooklyn so I'm a bit extreme when it comes to girly boys. That feminine shit doesn't work for me. Getting femme mani pedis, gossiping, crying all the time, having women take care of you, constantly worrying about how you look, whining and complaining. No no no! I don't even like men that dance or laugh too much. Just come out the closet and switch teams already. Leave us good women to the real men. Or Man up!
* Adults with Bad Grammar...
As a sapiosexual and lover of intelligence and knowledge, I just can not stand bad grammar or bad English. My grammar isn't perfect but it still grinds my gears to hear or see it from others. I suggest you utilize spell check and google as much as possible because it's not cute and it annoys my soul.
* Bad Kids/Bad Parents...
I don't care I don't care!! Get yo bad ass kids before I do. Bad parenting is at an all time high. Your 7 year old cursing like a sailor, your daughter twerking like a pro, your baby calling grandma mommy and calling mommy by her first name. You are creating our next generation. Be mindful how you raise these children. They are literally our future.
* The American Way...
The rich getting richer, poor getting poorer, cops murdering, ghettos underdeveloped, media brainwashing, evil sacrifices for the dollar, uneducated, unfair, unGodly, wicked, selfish, materialistic. So disgustingly systematic. So evil. So scary. America!!
* Muscle Women and Men...
I don't like it. It looks scary and unnatural. All those veins and muscles. Women looking hard. Men looking swollen. It's unattractive to me. Just NO.
* Booty Models & Hoes...
Fake asses and tits everywhere on the net and TV. I literally cringe when I pass a beautiful womans page and all u see are half naked pictures. Nothing left for surprise. Nothing left exclusively for your man? For me, when I see it, I see a person desperate for attention and "likes" by any means necessary. Seeking acceptance through social media attention. That's dangerous. Learn to offer more than just your looks and body... I just don't like it.
* Materialistic People...
We all know Bahiyah loves her Gucci, Prada and Chanel. I have been collecting Vogue magazines from the age of 13, and couture truly gives me goosebumps. I am not speaking of fashion and style lovers like myself. I am speaking of those folks who allow labels to define them and how they treat people. Rocking a Chanel bag and a bad ass pair of Louboutin pumps make these people feel like they are above and beyond any other. Looking down on others is just mean and, again, says a lot about your dirty character. Be humble and give back when you can. You never know when you'll run out of luck and end up on the less fortunate side of things.
* Grown Ups Who Can't Grow Up...
Certain things are for certain age groups. There is a very good reason why we don't see 90 year old grannies in Daisy Duke cut offs and why we don't see infants going to clubs. Learn your lane and stay in it. I am especially speaking on women who fight in the street after puberty. And men over 30 who still hang out with their buddys all night smoking and drinking. Or the adult mother who still ends up in the club 4 to 5 nights a week. Elevate your taste and grow up.
* Side Chicks...
Listen, I understand sometimes shit happens. But I need every side chick to put yourself in a wife or "main chicks" shoes. Be mindful that you would never want the love of your life cheating on you. There are far too many to choose from for anyone to willingly destroy a person's heart like that. That shit hurts. Keep that in mind when you are sleeping with the next woman's man. Just stop it, nasty!
Take some of these things in to consideration. I am not perfect or judging. I've also been guilty of many, if not all, of my very own pet peeves. But we learn, and we grow. I wish I had access to a list like this, from one of my respected peers,, so I've written one for you.
The Chronicles of Bee Darling.
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